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In this article I will examine the idea of human rights as it relates to peace. In particular, I will review some of the most current conflicts from a human rights perspective. First, we’ll consider some common violations of these concepts. Violations include: -restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly -denial of medical care -killing or wounding an unarmed person with intent to cause death or grievous bodily harm -rape and other forms of sexual violence against a civilian population as a form of torture or as part of a military strategy Read more at https://www.academia. edu/2988966/The_Abuses_of_Human_Rights_and_Peace In looking at those eight key violations, it is clear that those who violate human rights have a vested interest in continuing the violations. In doing so, they are able to maintain economic or political hegemony and their political control. This is a similar link between economic and political hegemony as “realists” would expect. However, if this is true, how can we move from a world of injustice and violence toward a world of justice and peace? Human Rights activists see themselves as agents for change. While the above descriptions of the current state of affairs may be accurate (i.e. the world is unjust), these activists believe that 'human rights' can act as a form of window to the world's social and economic system, which could be changed if only the morally righteous pressure would come to bear. On the other hand, human rights activists may perceive themselves as agents for peace. They believe that it is possible to be both 'just' AND peaceful at the same time; that it is possible to be a good and benevolent person and at the same time pursue justice and human rights. This dichotomy between justice and peace has been called "The A-B problem". It states: "justice looks like A, but peace looks like B." "Justice looks like A; but peace looks like B. ” However, in order to achieve peace, it is necessary to pursue justice. Since peace is an end in itself, this implies that peace can be purchased at the price of justice.Bibliography https://www.academia. edu/2988966/The_Abuses_of_Human_Rights_and_Peace?autologin=truePeacemaking, Peacekeeping & Peacebuilding: The Role of NGOs & Civil Society Organisations in Post-Conflict Societies" by Naseer Dashti 2012 http://www.roozonline. com/site.php?id=123551 "Human rights are not neutral" by Naseer Dashti May 2007 edu/2988966/The_Abuses_of_Human_Rights_and_Peace?autologin=true Gives an in-depth look at human rights violations and the people who commit them. It also discusses why certain violations occur and gives real-life examples of how these violations arise out of the social, political, and economic system within which they occurhttps://www.academia. cfa1e77820